Page 30

A journey begins.

As always, you can find more sketches and development work on my Patreon! (Though the comic will always be 100% free to read)

9 thoughts on “Page 30

  1. I dont know how you do it but this comic gets better and cuter everything you update it. I really love where this is going! Can’t wait for the next page :3

  2. Young Hesekiel looks so femenine it makes me think it isn’t him..? I don’t know but I love this characters so much.

  3. Oh my goodness my friend just showed me this comic and IT IS AMAZING!!! Your artwork is so good and the story is so cute! Please please PLEASE update soon!

  4. Interesting. It’s not simply “Hesekiel and Erik meet for the first time” because the vision would have ended by now were it so; it is instead the entirety of Hesekiel’s and Erik’s friendship, condensed into montage. I suspect that this would hold true for any tea dragon’s tea. However, that raises certain… applications that, in all likelihood, won’t make their way into the story. For example, Minette has a chamomile dragon. Has this flashback effect had any bearing on her mental state, past or present? Also, it seems like an excellent way to pass on someone’s backstory without going into exposition mode.

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